Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snowed In Stupidity

We're seeing the beginnings of a blizzard here in CT. This was my driveway an hour after shovelling. With no where to go and no chance of riding outdoors I chose to workout indoors today.
For the first time in a long while I used the trainer with my road bike. Korey and I watched the Giants game in the music studio while I got in about 40 minutes of spinning. I also did some basic strength exercises. Thats when the "stupidity" kicked in. I was doing standing rows with a large exercise band attached to a door knob. I never imagined this would have happened. In my third set, fifth rep the door handle ripped off the door and came flying at me like a slingshot. It hit me square in the sternum and took me right down to the floor gasping for breath. I felt like such an idiot. Took me a good minute to recover and tell Korey I was OK. At least I thought I was OK.

And here is the proof. Look at the scroll of the handle clearly imprinted in my belly.

So now I am exhausted from a good workout, shovelling 6 inches of snow, and another disgusting Giant's loss. And to make matters worse, my belly is sore and bruised.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly get the Darwin award!! ...........nice photo of the snow.
