Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nice Morning Ride & an Epic Fail

Rode this morning at 7am. It was pretty dark so I needed my headlight. I rode for one hour as part of my plan. 15 minute warm-up, 5 minutes moderate pace, 5 minutes moderate-fast race pace, 35 minute cool down. Enjoyable for sure, but still feels too easy. The bike feels good and I have all the gear I need.

Attempted a ride with Sherri on the path we rode a lot last fall. It was certainly warm enough, but the trail was in bad shape. Very mushy and muddy. It even had snow on it whereas most areas in town the snow is gone. We bailed on the idea after about 20 minutes.


  1. bike looks great..wrap the bars in BLU

  2. Where did you eat it? Don't tell me it was on the rail trail!
